

**Membership System Placeholder**

**User Registration:**
- User can sign up for an account by providing their:
  - Username
  - Email
  - Password
- Include a "Register" button to create the account.

**User Login:**
- Registered users can log in by providing their:
  - Username or email
  - Password
- Include a "Login" button for access.

**User Profile:**
- After login, users can access their profile.
- Display user information, such as:
  - Username
  - Email
  - Profile picture (if applicable)
  - Membership level/status
  - Additional user-specific details (e.g., bio, interests)
- Option to edit/update profile information.

**Membership Levels:**
- Implement multiple membership levels (e.g., Free, Basic, Premium).
- Different levels may have access to different features/content.

**Password Reset:**
- Allow users to request a password reset via email.
- Send a password reset link to the user's registered email address.

- Include a "Logout" option to end the user's session securely.

**Security Measures (Not Shown):**
- Use secure password storage with hashing and salting.
- Protect against SQL injection and other web vulnerabilities.
- Implement session management for user authentication.
- Use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit.
- Implement CAPTCHA or other anti-bot measures for registration and login.